A no-frills, weekly newsletter by Boardroom Insights, delivered to your inbox every Thursday, covering crypto protocol governance updates.
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👻 Aave
Deepen cooperation with Yearn [Strategy] [View]
Discussion AAVE Layer 2 Solutions [Development] [View]
Opening Aave on the BSC [Development] [View]
🏦 Compound
Live Votes
ZRX, BAT, and WBTC Parameter Update [Parameter Change] [Vote]
Compound Grants Program [Treasury] [View]
Compound Gateway Testnet [Development] [View]
Governor Bravo Development [Development] [View]
Oracle Infrastructure: Chainlink Proposal [Development] [View]
💸 Gnosis
Recent Votes
GIP 7: Pay GNO Reward for GNO<>ETH Sushi LP [Strategy] [View]
New Discussions
Should GnosisDAO launch a Liquidity Mining program for prediction markets using Gnosis Conditional Tokens? [Marketing] [View]
Ongoing Discussions
Should GnosisDAO establish OWL as a stable coin? [Product] [View]
Should GnosisDAO lower the quorum threshold for required YES GNO to 4%? [Meta] [View]
Should GnosisDAO allow to use GNO locked in balancer pools for voting in snapshot proposals? [Meta] [View]
🦉 Index Coop
Live Votes
[COMPOUND-39] ZRX, BAT, and WBTC Parameter Update [Meta] [Vote]
Recent Votes
Decision Gate 1: Metaverse Index (MVI) [Product] [View]
New Discussions
IIP-17 Token Terminal Index [Proposals] [View]
Index Coop - Financial Reporting [Growth] [View]
IIP-16 Smart Treasury [Proposals] [View]
Let’s create the BED Index [Proposals] [View]
Accounting for client Life Time Value in growth experiments [Growth] [View]
IIP-18 ETH2x FLI Liquidity Mining [Proposals] [View]
Ongoing Discussions
3 Immediate Strategic Needs for the Coop [Organization] [View]
IIP-14 DPI Liquidity mining #4 [Product/Marketing] [View]
Short Term Treasury Diversification [Treasury] [View]
🎟️ PoolTogether
Live Votes
Slow the Dai and USDC POOL distribution rates to match COMP and UNI pools [Strategy/Product] [Vote]
New Discussions
Create a Treasury Reserve [Proposals] [View]
POOL Depositor Distribution [Proposals/Product] [View]
Extraordinary Airdrop to Governance Participants [Proposals/Meta] [View]
Ongoing Discussions
PoolTogether & NFTs [Strategy] [View]
Incentivizing Protocol Operations [Operations/Strategy] [View]
Will Pool go to Binance Smart Chain [Strategy/Product] [View]
🦄 Uniswap
New Discussions
Rug Pulls on Uniswap [Meta] [View]
Ongoing Discussions
Uniswap Liquidity Incentive Plan [Strategy] [View]
Transaction Fee Distribution [Operations/Strategy] [View]
Should UNI Holders Be Rewarded? [Meta/Strategy] [View]
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A big thank you to our amazing contributors @nickmartitsch, @TheoRochaix, @DocumentingDPI